Study travel in Italy

Study travel in Italy

If you want to learn Italian or just boost your language skills than there is no better way for you than to make a study travel in Italy. A study abroad program in Italy provides a challenging opportunity to combine an international travel experience with an intensive study and classroom experience!


The Italian study travel program in Tropea, a charming medieval sea sidetown in Calabria is an excellent choice for your full immersion language study program. The accredited Italian language school offers professional Italian language courses in small groups (3-6 students) and in 15 different language levels in a warm and familiar atmosphere. Studying Italian with the team of motivated and experienced teachers is an enjoyable way to learn or improve your Italian in a really short time. Be sure that you could never have the same progress in a class room in your home town!

The Study travel program is a full immersion program where learning the foreign language will be just a part of it while you will be living in a foreign country, exploring a different culture and history, discover new places and meet new friends. To live your study travel abroad stay more intensive and to get more from it choose our Italian language school in Tropea in Southern Italy. We all know that Italy is famous for its great cuisine, for its history and architecture and if you really want to discover the Italian way of life than go the South where you can still find the real Italy!

During guided excursions you will follow and discover the traces of Calabria's numerous conquerors and explore ancient Greek and Roman ruins, Byzantine or Norman churches or explore the alleys and squares of medieval mountain villages. Travelling in Southern Italy is like taking a step back into history! The enviable climate, the wonderful coastline with white sanded beaches, rugged mountains, the Mediterranean vegetation with pines and olives invites you also to a lot of sporting activities like mountain biking, sailing, windsurfing, diving, horseback riding or create your best memory of Calabria during a painting course and once that you are there, don't miss out a cooking lesson to learn more about the traditional and tasty cuisine of this region.

Make a study travel off the beaten track in Southern Italy where you can be sure to take most benefit from it. Boost your language skills, get inter-cultural experience, widen your horizons and become more global as also our world is connecting every day more!



Study travel in Italy (Druckansicht)